First Quarter 2021 Residential Market Report

First Quarter 2021 Residential Market Report

  • Michael Petersohn
  • 01/1/21
The Hamptons real estate market in the First Quarter of 2021 continued to be one of high demand amid a dwindling inventory of available homes for sale. The result was another quarter of year-to-year record increases in the number of sales, average price and total dollar volume.

Rising by 24.7%, sales of single-family homes in the Hamptons achieved a First Quarter record high of 601 in 1Q21.

The Total Dollar Volume for 1Q21 soared 125% as compared to 1Q20, with a total of $1.65 Billion, up from $734 Million in the First Quarter of 2020.

Work With Michael

Over 30 years of experience actively managing & owning residential properties. He has an excellent reputation for honesty & integrity, the talent for being a persuasive negotiator, & the keen ability to effectively match buyer and seller.